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Therapist for Depression and Anxiety in CA
Therapist for Depression and Anxiety in California

Noah* is spending all his time in his room

He used to be a fun kid who was the life of all the family get-togethers, but recentlHe’s always angryy, things have changed. 

He feels sad and doesn’t think anyone really cares about him.

He has started vaping nicotine and THC and thinks these are the only things that can help him.

He’s always angry

Anytime he’s asked if he’s ok, he yells at his parents to leave him alone.

He screams at them that they don’t understand and he’s fine.

He’s frustrated that he can’t make himself feel better and thinks he’s a burden to everyone.

He often wishes he could just disappear so he wouldn’t be sad all the time.

Kylie* feels overwhelmed and worried every day

She feels the need to be perfect and puts tons of pressure on herself.

She tries to cope by spending time on Snapchat and TikTok, but this only makes the problems worse.

She feels like there is never enough time in the day and worries everyone thinks she’s a failure.

She is starting to feel depressed

The anxiety has begun affecting her mood, and she feels hopeless that things will change.

To alleviate the stress, she started cutting and is worried someone will find out.

She’s a straight-A student, but her grades are starting to slip. She feels like she can’t get them back up.

The negative thoughts are now affecting her self-esteem.

Best Therapist for Depression and Anxiety
California’s best Therapist for Depression and Anxiety

Nick* and Lisa* are struggling with their son

Carter* is arguing with them constantly and refusing to do his homework and chores.

Nick and Lisa feel that all the consequences don’t work anymore, and they want to give up.

The stress is causing fights between them, and they don’t know what to do.

Carter seems to be pitting them against each other to get his way.

They blame themselves for Carter’s behavior

They are reactive to Carter’s behavior, and he ends up feeling blamed for all the problems.

Nick and Lisa end up feeling guilty because they know they are negatively affecting Carter by not being consistent.

They end up feeling responsible for not being able to help Carter succeed and feel like they are failing as parents.

Liam* is always getting in trouble at school

He gets so frustrated because he can’t stay focused or sit still in class.

His teachers don’t understand why it’s so hard for him to follow the rules.

His grades are D’s and F’s – and he has given up.

He hates himself

All the years of negative messages have ruined his self-esteem. He tells himself he’s worthless and a bad kid.

He knows he can’t control his impulsivity and thinks he has ADHD.

He gets angry with all the adults in his life because they all think he’s making excuses.

He wishes someone would try to understand him because he has been thinking of ending his life. No one knows how bad he really feels.

Therapist for Depression in CA

There is a way to turn it all around

Your teen needs someone they can trust who can help guide
them to overcome their challenges.

It is possible to get your teen and family back on track.

Now is the time to get your family the help you all deserve.

Chris Taylor, LMFT | Founder & CEO | Elite Teen Counseling

Chris Taylor, Founder

Hi, and Welcome to

Elite Teen Counseling!

We are a team of experienced therapists dedicated to helping teens overcome challenges and build the confidence they need to thrive.

Through compassionate, evidence-based counseling, we support both teens and their families in navigating difficult emotions and improving communication.

Don’t wait – contact us today to give your teen the expert guidance they deserve for a brighter future.

NOAH – With our support, Noah learned to communicate his feelings and develop new coping skills. He is spending time again with his family and has pride that he overcame his depression.

KYLIE – Kylie worked with her therapist to find balance and now has more time to engage in uplifting activities. She practices self-compassion and no longer cuts herself.

NICK and LISA – Nick and Lisa partnered with our team to create a long-term strategy for consistency in parenting. Carter responded well to the structure and the predictability it created. Since Carter has improved, Nick and Lisa no longer have negative feelings about their parenting – and their marriage has improved.

LIAM – Liam’s therapist was a strong advocate to get the support he needed with his ADHD. He learned how to organize and manage time better. His grades and classroom behavior improved. He now sees value in himself and no longer thinks of ending his life. 

*Names and stories are composite narratives and do not reflect actual clients.

Therapist for Depression and Anxiety, CA

See the difference we can make in your teen’s life.

Don’t wait to get them the help they need.

Start their path to lasting change and a brighter future.

Call now for your free 15-minute consultation.